HHIJGA Policies

Code of Conduct 

The HHIJGA takes great pride in the quality of its players, its host facilities and the broad community involvement at each tournament. In order to continue to make the HHIJGA tournaments enjoyable for everyone, the Association requires all of its members adhere to a set of guidelines known as the Code of Conduct. Its purpose is to help the HHIJGA participants to grow and mature by understanding and accepting the consequences of their actions. The Code of Conduct is to be followed, both on and off the course, throughout the entire time of their membership. At the conclusion of play it is recommended that all players thank the host course staff for allowing us to use their course.

Violations of the Code of Conduct on the golf course include:
Abusive language, club throwing, cheating, disrespect of volunteers or officials, abuse of golf course, smoking or chewing tobacco products, use of drugs or alcohol, nor adhering to the dress code during practice or tournament play, leaving the course during a competitive round without the permission of a member of the HHIJGA Tournament Committee. The HHIJGA will enforce a one stroke penalty, or disqualification for unsportsmanlike behavior on the golf course. If incidents are reoccurring, the player will be expelled from the program.
2. Actions that are considered violations of the Code of Conduct at all HHIJGA events include: any use or association with drugs or alcohol, smoking or chewing tobacco products, vandalism, abusive behavior to a host professional or their property, or any other conduct not becoming of an HHIJGA member.
3. Proper attire is required at all times at the golf facility. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. The dress code prohibits short shorts, tank tops, T-shirts, denim shorts, and jeans. All head wear must be worn properly, collared shirts must be worn and all shirts must be tucked in shorts.
4. The HHIJGA Executive Committee may assess any or all of the following penalties based on the severity of the Code of Conduct violation:
  A) Issue a written letter of warning to the player and his or her parents / guardian.
  B) Disqualify the player from the tournament at which the violation occurred.

Parent / Spectator/ Caddie Guidelines


All Juniors can have a caddie or carry/push their own clubs. Push carts and caddies are allowed unless prohibited by the host course. 

CADDIES: must be 25 years of age or younger!

2. Spectators should keep a proper distance from the players. (50 yards Recommended)
3. Spectators may not act as a fore caddie; however, they may assist in helping to locate lost ball.
4. Spectators must stay on cart path or in the rough with the exception of around the greens. (Spectators may go near the green to watch the players putt.) Parents and spectators are not permitted to tend pins or rake bunkers.
5. Spectators are not allowed to give advice to any player. (Rule 8, 2009 Rules of Golf)
6. Abusive language, swearing, alcoholic beverages, or discourteous attitude will not be permitted on the course. Use of tobacco products during any HHIJGA event is prohibited and all spectators are required to wear appropriate attire.
7. Spectators should not disrupt the pace or flow of play.
8. If you notice a rules infraction, be sure to tell a rules official, the player, or Tournament Official before the player signs his / her scorecard.
9. All beverages on the course are reserved solely for HHIJGA participants.
10. Spectators are not permitted to use golf carts unless allowed by the host course.
11. All spectators should observe the Notice to Competitors.